HW 2¶
Please formulate the baa99 problem as an All-in-One LP model in Pyomo (see the second page in Lecture 3.2), and find the decisions. The first stage decisions are bounded within (0, 217).
The demand vector (d1, d2) has two scenarios, scenario1: (161.326406, 156.3195565); scenario 2: (52.29173734, 48.17833053).
By: Chengyi (Jeff) Chen
%load_ext autotime
%load_ext nb_black
%matplotlib inline
from IPython.display import Latex
import numpy as np
import cvxpy as cp
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats
from scipy import optimize
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
plt.rcParams["figure.dpi"] = 300
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (16, 12)
BAA99 Problem¶
Problem Setup¶
We are an electronics company that sells computer type 1 and type 2 for \
\begin{aligned} \underset{x_1, x_2, w^s_{11}, w^{s}{12}, w^{s}{22}, u^s_i, v^s_i}{\text{Maximize }} &-4x_1 - 2x_2 + \frac{1}{n}\sum^{n=2}{s=1} \left(8 \left(w^s{11} - v^s_1\right) + 4\left(w^{s}{12} + w^{s}{22} - v^s_2\right) - \left( 0.2v^s_1 + 0.2v^s_2 \right) - \left( 10u^s_1 + 10u^s_2 \right) \right) \ \text{subject to } &x_1 - w^s_{11} - w^s_{12} = 0 \ &x_2 - w^s_{22} = 0 \ &w^s_{11} + u^s_1 - v^s_1 = d^s_1 \ &w^s_{12} + w^s_{22} + u^s_2 - v^s_2 = d^s_2 \ &s = 1, 2 \text{ and all variables }\geq 0, \in \mathcal{N}. \ \end{aligned}
# Create static optimization variables
x = cp.Variable((2,), integer=False)
# Create scenario dependent variables
num_scenarios = 2
scenarios = {}
for s in range(num_scenarios):
scenarios[s] = {}
scenarios[s]["w"] = cp.Variable((3,), integer=False) # [w^s_11, w^s_12, w^s_22]
scenarios[s]["u"] = cp.Variable((2,), integer=False) # [u^s_1, u^s_2]
scenarios[s]["v"] = cp.Variable((2,), integer=False) # [v^s_1, v^s_2]
scenarios[s]["d"] = (
[161.326406, 156.3195565] if s == 0 else [52.29173734, 48.17833053]
) # [d^s_1, d^s_2]
# Create constraints.
constraints = [
x >= 0,
x <= 217,
for s in range(num_scenarios):
constraints += [
x[0] - scenarios[s]["w"][0] - scenarios[s]["w"][1] >= 0,
x[0] - scenarios[s]["w"][0] - scenarios[s]["w"][1] <= 0,
x[1] - scenarios[s]["w"][2] >= 0,
x[1] - scenarios[s]["w"][2] <= 0,
scenarios[s]["w"][0] + scenarios[s]["u"][0] - scenarios[s]["v"][0]
<= scenarios[s]["d"][0],
scenarios[s]["w"][0] + scenarios[s]["u"][0] - scenarios[s]["v"][0]
>= scenarios[s]["d"][0],
+ scenarios[s]["w"][2]
+ scenarios[s]["u"][1]
- scenarios[s]["v"][1]
<= scenarios[s]["d"][1],
+ scenarios[s]["w"][2]
+ scenarios[s]["u"][1]
- scenarios[s]["v"][1]
>= scenarios[s]["d"][1],
scenarios[s]["w"] >= 0,
scenarios[s]["u"] >= 0,
scenarios[s]["v"] >= 0,
# Form objective.
obj = cp.Maximize(
np.array([-4, -2]) @ x
+ np.mean(
8 * (scenarios[s]["w"][0] - scenarios[s]["v"][0])
+ 4 * (scenarios[s]["w"][1] + scenarios[s]["w"][2] - scenarios[s]["v"][1])
- np.array([0.2, 0.2]) @ scenarios[s]["v"]
- np.array([10, 10]) @ scenarios[s]["u"]
for s in range(num_scenarios)
# Form and solve problem.
prob = cp.Problem(obj, constraints)
print("Linear Programming Solution")
print("=" * 40)
print(f"Status: {prob.status}")
print(f"The optimal value is: {prob.value}")
print(f"The optimal solution is: x = {x.value}")
Scenario 1: High Demand¶
r"$w^1_{11}$": str(round(scenarios[0]["w"][0].value, 2)),
r"$w^1_{12}$": str(round(scenarios[0]["w"][1].value, 2)),
r"$w^1_{22}$": str(round(scenarios[0]["w"][2].value, 2)),
r"$u^1_{1}$": str(round(scenarios[0]["u"][0].value, 2)),
r"$u^1_{2}$": str(round(scenarios[0]["u"][0].value, 2)),
r"$v^1_{1}$": str(round(scenarios[0]["v"][0].value, 2)),
r"$v^1_{2}$": str(round(scenarios[0]["v"][0].value, 2)),
Scenario 2: Low Demand¶
r"$w^2_{11}$": str(round(scenarios[1]["w"][0].value, 2)),
r"$w^2_{12}$": str(round(scenarios[1]["w"][1].value, 2)),
r"$w^2_{22}$": str(round(scenarios[1]["w"][2].value, 2)),
r"$u^2_{1}$": str(round(scenarios[1]["u"][0].value, 2)),
r"$u^2_{2}$": str(round(scenarios[1]["u"][0].value, 2)),
r"$v^2_{1}$": str(round(scenarios[1]["v"][0].value, 2)),
r"$v^2_{2}$": str(round(scenarios[1]["v"][0].value, 2)),